Check Ufone Free WhatsApp Code and Detail

Ufone customers can enjoy WhatsApp free for 1 day. You will get 100MB of data for 1 Day. Free WhatsApp means you can talk with your friends and family. You can also call them without any charges on the Ufone network. Ufone Free WhatsApp Code is *987#. You can check the free WhatsApp remaining Data by dialling *706#.
Ufone Free WhatsApp Code and Detail
  • WhatsApp Data : 100MB 4G
  • Validity: 1 Day
  • Subscribe: *987#
  • UnSubscribe: *6300#
  • Check Remaining free WhatsApp Volume: *706#

Terms and conditions

    1. This offer is for prepaid users.
    1. People can subscribe by dialling *987# on their phones.
    1. With this offer, they can make and receive voice and video calls and send and receive messages, voice notes, pictures, videos, etc.
    1. This offer works on 2G, 3G, or 4G networks (all three).
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